Other Names: Costs • Costs and Expenses

Sample Clause Language:

[CLIENT] shall reimburse [SERVICE PROVIDER] for all [reasonable,] [actual,] [documented,] [and pre-approved] out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with his or her duties as [POSITION].

Source: Grede Wisconsin Subsidiaries LLC (2017, December 15). Form S-4. Retrieved from SEC EDGAR http://www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml



Expenses (Services Related) clauses deal with who will pay for expenses incurred by the service provider in performing its services under the agreement. The sample clause here is drafted unilaterally and in favor of the service provider. It requires the client to reimburse the service provider for expenses related to the agreement.

Common Contracts with this Clause:

  • Service Agreements
  • Independent Contractor Agreements
  • Consulting Agreements
  • Advisor Agreements
  • Development Agreements
  • Designer Agreements

What you'll see with Lawgood:

Number of Positions Available:

Five (5) Alternative Positions

  • Favorable to Service Provider (Standard)
  • Favorable to Service Provider (Policy)
  • Favorable to Service Provider (Thresholds)
  • Neutral
  • Favorable to Client

Related Clauses:

Draft better contracts with Lawgood.
