Other Names: Insurance Policies • Contractor’s Insurance • Insurance Coverages

Sample Clause Language:

Each Party acknowledges and agrees that during the Term of this Agreement it shall maintain adequate insurance and/or a self-insurance program for liability insurance, including [products liability and] contractual liability insurance, to cover such Party’s obligations under this Agreement. Each Party shall provide the other Party with evidence of such insurance and/or self-insurance program, upon request.

Source: Annovis Bio, Inc. (2019, July 3). Form S-1. Retrieved from SEC EDGAR website



Insurance clauses are generally covenants that require a party to maintain insurance under the term of the agreement. The sample clause here is drafted neutrally and applies mutually to all parties. Each party is required to maintain adequate insurance to cover its obligations under the agreement.

Common Contracts with this Clause:

  • Sale of Goods Agreements
  • Service Agreements
  • Commercial Lease Agreements
  • Distribution Agreements
  • Construction Agreements

What you'll see with Lawgood:

Number of Positions Available:

Five (5) Alternative Positions

  • No Insurance
  • Mutual (General)
  • Mutual (Specific)
  • Unilateral (General)
  • Unilateral (Specific)

Draft better contracts with Lawgood.
