Other Names: No Circumvention

Sample Clause Language:

Each Party acknowledges and agrees that the identity of either Party’s Contacts or their contact information is proprietary and constitutes a substantial and valuable business asset and trade secret. Each Party agrees that it shall not contact, solicit, or communicate with any prior, current, or future Contact identified or introduced to one another, without the introducing Party’s prior written consent. Each Party also acknowledges that it will not use the other Party’s Confidential Information to compete with or circumvent the other Party.

Source: American Diversified Energy LLC (2018, October 9). Form 1-A. Retrieved from SEC EDGAR website



Non-Circumvention clauses are covenants that restrict a party from working or doing business with another party’s contacts. This sample clause is mutual and drafted to be neutral. The clause prevents either party from contacting or soliciting any contacts of the other party without prior consent.

Common Contracts with this Clause:

  • Confidentiality Agreements
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements

What you'll see with Lawgood:

Number of Positions Available:

Two (2) Alternative Positions

  • Unilateral
  • Mutual

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