Other Names: No Subcontracting • Right to Subcontract • Subcontractors • Third-Party Service Providers • Subcontracting

Sample Clause Language:

[SERVICE PROVIDER] may not subcontract any of its obligations or the performance of this Agreement to third parties.

Source: Based on Alpha Architect ETF Trust (2020, January 28). Form 485BPOS. Retrieved from SEC EDGAR website



Subcontracting clauses provide any requirements or restrictions on subcontracting a party’s obligations to a third party (i.e., a subcontractor). The sample clause here is unilateral and drafted in favor of the Client. The Service Provider is not allowed to subcontract its obligations under the agreement.

Common Contracts with this Clause:

  • Service Agreements
  • Independent Contractor Agreements

What you'll see with Lawgood:

Number of Positions Available:

Five (5) Alternative Positions

  • Favorable to Service Provider (Allowed)
  • Neutral (Allows)
  • Neutral (Not Allowed)
  • Favorable to Client (Allows with Limitations)
  • Favorable to Client (Not Allowed)

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